Kazan State Power Engineering University teaches to establish smart enterprise

28 April 2022, Thursday

Advanced training courses on the programme "Technologies for establishing smart enterprises" are held at the Kazan State Power Engineering University.

The courses are organized at the Department of Informatics and Information Control Systems headed by the Director of the Institute of Digital Technologies and Economics, Head of the Department Yuliya Torkunova - with the information support of Tatarstan Ministry of Digitalization of Public Administration, Information Technologies and Communications and Ministry of Industry and Trade of the republic.

Persons with higher and secondary vocational education (according to training programmes for mid-level specialists) are trained. Among the students were teachers of Kazan State Power Engineering University and heads of leading enterprises of the republic, namely Tatenergo Energy Company, Tatneft Oil Company, Agrosila Company, Kazan International Airport, "Tatspirtprom Distillery Company, AK BARS BANK and other companies.

Deputy Director of the International Academic Competence Centre "Polytechnic-SAP" - a structural subdivision of the Center of the National Technological Initiative "New Production Technologies" of Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University Anton Ambrazhey holds the courses.

“I think that the topic is in great demand and will be useful to everyone. We often talk about the digital transformation process at a very high level, and in these courses I try to “ground” it down to a specific business process to show how it all will work really,” Ambrazhey said.

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