General information


Ministry objectives

2.1. Main objectives of the Ministry are as follows:

2.1.1. Implementation of the of the state policy in the digital development of the public administration, digital transformation of the Republic of Tatarstan, digitalization of state and municipal services , ensuing informational security, info-communication technologies and communication;

2.1.2. Ensuring cross-cutting departmental digitalization of the processes and introduction of platform solutions in the public administration;

2.1.3. To increase the quality and accessibility of state and municipal services on the basis of multi-functional state and municipal services centers in the Republic of Tatarstan;

2.1.4. Organization of implementation of the national program “Digital economy of Russian Federation” in the Republic of Tatarstan;

2.1.5. Facilitating the implementation of promising info-communication technologies and standards in the Republic of Tatarstan;

2.1.6. Meeting the demands of the population, state power bodies and organizations for the access to the services, information resources and information interaction;

2.1.7. Creation of favorable conditions for development of competitive environment for all operators of informatization and communications rendering services in the Republic of Tatarstan on equal basis.

Ministry Authorities

3.3.1. In the sphere of digital development of the state administration: Organizes the work in methodical, organizational, technical and information-analytical support of digitalization of the work of state and municipal bodies and key branches of economy of the Republic of Tatarstan; Organizes a set of events for implementation of the national program “Digital economy of Russian Federation” in the Republic of Tatarstan; Organizes work in digitalization of state and municipal services; Organizes development of a multi-functional center rendering state and municipal services in the Republic of Tatarstan; Interacts with the business community, scientific and educational and other communities in the sphere of digital transformation and digital technologies; Participates in the development of standards for rendering state and municipal services in the Republic of Tatarstan, including development of modern interworking interfaces; Ensures establishment, development and operation of information systems and information resources in the sphere of rendering state and municipal services in the Republic of Tatarstan; Analyzes and prepares propositions for the use of information systems and information technologies for optimization of processes of the public administration and state and municipal services in the Republic of Tatarstan; Ensures work and development on a departmental project office in the sphere of digital transformation of the public and municipal administration and key branches of industry of the Republic of Tatarstan in the order defined by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan;

3.3.2. In the sphere of information technologies: Organizes interdepartmental interaction of executive state power bodies, local self-government bodies and organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan in accordance with the legislation in the sphere of information technologies; Organizers development of integrated technological architecture for building the state info-communication infrastructure of the Republic of Tatarstan; Organizes working out of single standards and technological policy in establishment, operation and modernization of state information systems and elements of info-communication infrastructure of the Republic of Tatarstan; Implements technical policy of digital development of the system of public administration and information technologies taking into account provision of information security sustainability and functioning in the Republic of Tatarstan; Organizes work for provision of information security of information systems of the Republic of Tatarstan; Carries out and coordinates activities in protection of national or other security information protected by law; Evaluates the state of information security, forecasts and detects information hazards, defines priority ways for their prevention and liquidation of their consequences as well as plans, carries out and evaluates the efficiency of the set of measures for provision of information security in the state executive and local self-government bodies of the Republic of Tatarstan; Carries out expert assessment of documents used for planning activities in establishment, use and procurement goods (works, services)  in the sphere of info-communication technologies used for work of the state executive bodies of the Republic of Tatarstan; Creates conditions for efficient use of info-communication technologies including the Internet in the Republic of Tatarstan; Develops and implements strategic initiatives promoting development of information technologies; Ensures reliability, stability and security of the info-communication technologies infrastructure in the Republic of Tatarstan; Ensures improvement of the efficiency of the work of info-communication technologies infrastructure and investment attractiveness of the branch; Prepares propositions in the list of priority projects being implemented within the events of the Programme of Informatization of the Republic of Tatarstan; Coordinates activities in establishment, development and operation of the information system – the state information center of the Republic of Tatarstan; Ensures development and work of the “Safe City” hardware and software system"; Coordinates work in development and/or modernization of information systems and information technologies using the PPP instruments in accordance with legislative acts of Russian Federation and the Republic of Tatarstan; Analyzes efficiency of implementation of programs in info-communication technologies mapped out of the Republic of Tatarstan and introduces necessary changes into them in appropriate manner; Develops and tests information system prototypes of the Republic of Tatarstan; Supervises the single register of information systems of the Republic of Tatarstan,  on the basis of the federal state information system of accountancy of information systems established and purchased by financing from the federal budget  and budgets of the state non-budgetary funds, which functions in accordance with the decree of the Russian Government from 36 July 2012 N 644 "On of the federal state information system of accountancy of information systems established and purchased by financing from the federal budget  and budgets of the state non-budgetary funds "; Obtains data of state civil registration from the federal state information system of the Single State Register of civil status and transfers them to authorized bodies and organizations in accordance with the Article 13.2  of the Federal Law from 15 November 1997 N 143-ФЗ "On Civil Registration";

3.3.3. In the sphere of communication: Defines the strategy of development of the telecommunication infrastructure of the Republic of Tatarstan the priority of which is to meet communication services  demands of the state power bodies, local self-government bodies  and legal and physical entities in the Republic of Tatarstan; Monitors and analyzes the state and interaction of communication networks in the Republic of Tatarstan and with participation of communication operators develops concepts and programmes of the network development and coordinates their implementation in the Republic of Tatarstan; Carries out projects of development of federal and regional TV broadcast and radio systems including their transfer to digital technologies; Carries out technical policy of development of communications means, development of new services and technologies, ensuring high quality of rendered services and their accessibility for all customers; In the statutory manner coordinates interaction of communication operators in development and operation of the communication network and works out measures for increasing reliability and quality of the communication means including their work stability; Participates in the development of post communication facilities in the Republic of Tatarstan; Coordinates work in spreading the state postage stamps and the use of registered articles for organization of postal communication in the Republic of Tatarstan; Coordinates works in recovery of the single telecommunication network of Russian Federation in the Republic of Tatarstan during a special period of time and the emergencies; In the statutory manner coordinates joint work of communication operators in follow up remedial actions in the communication networks of the Republic of Tatarstan; Collects statistical data, analyses and prepares reports to be submitted to the Ministry of Digital Development and Telecommunication of Russian Federation and the State Statistics Committee of the Republic of Tatarstan; Organizes confirmation of the e-signatures of authorized persons from certification centers in the certificates of signature keys issued by them in the Republic of Tatarstan; Organizes keeping of a single state register of signature keys of certification centers and the register of signature keys of authorized persons of the state power bodies of the Republic of Tatarstan as well as provides access to them for citizens, organizations and state power and local self-government bodies; Organizes and ensures mobilization preparation and mobilization of the Ministry, organizations under the ministry or working together with the Ministry and carries out procedural guidelines of these events;

3.3.4. Other: Organizes reception of citizens, ensures timely and complete consideration of oral and written submissions of the citizens, decision-making and sending answers in due time defined by the legislation of Russian Federation and the Republic of Tatarstan; Develops and submits in statutory manner propositions for improvement of the legislation in the digital development of the public administration system, information technologies and telecommunication, as well as prepares drafts of legal and other regulatory documents; Within the authorities given to the Ministry interacts with international organizations in the sphere of information technologies and telecommunications; In the appropriate manner institutes departmental awards in its sphere of work and hands them in to employees working in this sphere; In its branch organizes implementation of the state policy of occupational and ecological safety, carries out procedural control of the occupational safety  divisions, organizes and controls compliance with the rules and norms of occupational safety, organizes training of the senior management and other official responsible for occupational safety in the branch organizations; Organizes congresses, conferences, seminars, exhibitions and other events in the sphere of info-communication technologies in the Republic of Tatarstan; Provides necessary procedural and advisory support of organizations in questions within the competence of the Ministry; Within its competence monitors enforcement in the Republic of Tatarstan in accordance with the Guidelines of Carrying our Enforcement in Russian Federation approved by the Government of Russian Federation and monitors legislation in the operative sphere of the Ministry; In accordance with the legislation of Russian Federation and the Republic of Tatarstan carries out work in compilation, storage, recording and use of archive documents of the work of the Ministry; Carries out record-keeping of airtime used for covering the work of political parties represented in the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan; Every year by February 1 submits a report on implementation of anticorruption policy measures to the authorized body of the Republic of Tatarstan in implementation of anticorruption policy of the Republic of Tatarstan; Exercises and authority as a founder of subordinate state public, budgetary and autonomous institutions of the Republic of Tatarstan (hereinafter - institutions), including:

prepares propositions and drafts of decisions about establishment, reorganization, change of the type and liquidation of institutions, approves their organization charters and introduces amendments into them;

puts together and approves the state order to the institutions for rendering state services (execution of the work) to legal and physical entities in compliance with the main kinds of activities preset by the organization charter;

performs other functions and authorities of the institutions founder; Organizes departmental audit and functional analysis of work efficiency of information technology and telecommunication enterprises of the Republic of Tatarstan; Within its competences signs agreements and contracts in the appropriate manner and keeps the register of the abovementioned agreements, contracts and other  public law acts signed within its competences with federal executive bodies, their regional departments, executive bodies of entities of Russian Federation and other Russian and foreign bodies and organizations; Prepares drafts standards of the quality of state services rendered by subordinate institutions; Carries out annual assessment of conformity of quality of state services actually rendered by subordinate institutions with the set standards of quality of state services of the Republic of Tatarstan; Carries out assessment of conformity of subordinate institutions work with the criteria of work set for the state institutions; Provides access to the Web-service of the Register of IDs of residents of the Republic of Tatarstan and information needed for issuing (reissuing) the ID of a resident of the Republic of Tatarstan for   credit institutions taking part in the implementation of the project of “The ID of a resident of the Republic of Tatarstan”; Puts together and uses information resources of the Republic of Tatarstan in the assigned scope of business; Implements the policy of personnel training in the branch including:

studies and analyses the situation with staffing in the branch;

organizes putting together the forecast of the demand of training of highly qualified workers and specialists for the branch by professions and programs of studies  of the elementary, intermediate and higher vocational education;

prepares propositions to the state order for training, re-training and in-service training of specialists at scientific-educational clusters of the Republic of Tatarstan;

implements measures for attracting labour and providing their employment in the branch;

organizes events to develop competences of public and municipal servants of the Republic of Tatarstan  in the sphere in info-communication technologies; In the appropriate manner provides procurement of goods, works and services for supplying the needs of the Ministry as well as any other public needs in the assigned scope of business; Renders free legal assistance to citizens in the form of legal oral and written consultancy in issues related to its competencies in the manner defined by the legislation of Russian Federation and the Republic of Tatarstan for consideration of citizens’ submissions; Organizes events in public relations and relations with mass media; Organizes necessary research in the Ministry scope of business; Pursuant to the procedure and incases,established by federal laws and other legislative acts of Russian Federation, renders free legal assistance by drawing up submissions, petitions and other legal documents to citizens needing social support and social protection and represents their interests at court, state and municipal bodies and organizations; Within its competences participates in counteraction to extremism and terrorism and provides antiterrorist protection of facilities attached to the Ministry; Within its competences collects and submits to the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan information in the framework of the integrated system of monitoring inter-ethnic and inter-religious relations and early prevention of religious and ethnic  conflicts in the Republic of Tatarstan; Takes part in trainings for implementing measures of counteracting terrorism. Carries out departmental control of compliance of subordinate organizations with labour legislation and other legal regulatory acts containing norms of the labour law.

(item introduces by the Decree of the Cabinet of Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan from 17.02.2020 N 116). 

Last updated: 7 December 2020, 08:42

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