The SberZ (for schoolchildren of 8th to 11th grades and students of colleges) and SberStudent Acceleration Programmes (for undergraduates, postgraduate students and researchers) open an additional track for young people interested in artificial intelligence technologies.
The participants of the AI-track will be able to take a specialized course on the topic of AI and bring their project to the first business results together with specialized experts.
The SberZ and SberStudent acceleration takes place in three phases lasting a total of eight months. The first phase consists of online lectures and an introduction to digital products. At this stage the AI track participants learn how the AI works in biometrics and targeted advertising, how it is implemented in medicine, and how to find an idea for an AI startup and assess its prospects.
At the second stage, participants build teams and, together with personal mentors from among startup trackers, work on the MVP (or Minimum Viable Product) of their startups. In addition to working with trackers, they will also receive personal expert advice from the Academy of Artificial Intelligence.
The best teams that showed the greatest progress during the training will move to the third stage – they will perform at the demo where will present their inventions to the Sber management, investors, technology corporations and rectors of Russian universities. The winners of the Demo Day will share the prize fund, and the winners from the school teams will receive points from the Unified State Examination and other preferences for admission to universities, student projects-winners will receive grants from the Moscow Seed Fund.
Participation in the programmes is free. For registration, you do not need a ready-made business project or even an idea - it will be found during the programme. You can submit an application until February 14.