Submission of applications for the final online hackathon of the DIGITAL SUPERHERO marathon continues

10 September 2020, Thursday

The final stage of the All-Russian series of online hackathons DIGITAL SUPERHERO will take place on September 18-23. You can apply for participation in the competition and compete for a prize fund of 1,350,000 roubles on the website - Submission of applications open until September 15.

Teams from St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kazan, Vladikavkaz, Nalchik, Novosibirsk, Samara and other cities have already registered to participate in the hackathon.

During the five-day contest, participants will address challenges from ministries and departments in developing superservices. Among the task setters are the Ministry of Digital Development of Tatarstan, the Ministry of Sports of Russia and Road Safety State Institution.

All tasks are formed under three main directions:

• Virtual and Augmented Reality;

• Development of recognition algorithms;

• Creation of services for government agencies.

The DIGITAL SUPERHERO online hackathon marathon is being held in preparation for the upcoming Kazan Digital Week - 2020 International Forum, which will take place on September 21-24. Two hackathons on ITS and Situation Centres and cybersecurity were previously held.

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