MTS finishes the construction of communications infrastructure on the M-12 Moscow – Kazan Highway

23 July 2024, Tuesday

MTS, the digital ecosystem, completed the construction and installation of its own telecommunication infrastructure on the federal M-12 Vostok Highway, providing coverage with mobile communication of the high speed motorway extending 810 kilometers. MTS began the active phase of base station construction along the route in September 2023, before the official opening of the M-12 road traffic last December. During nine months, the company gradually launched communication infrastructure on separate sections of the road that runs through five regions of Russia: the Republic of Tatarstan and Chuvashia, Moscow, Vladimir and Nizhny Novgorod regions. The MTS recently connected several of the remaining 177 base stations of the LTE 1800 standard, which provide drivers and passengers with seamless voice communication and high-speed mobile Internet both along the motorway itself and in the territories of multi-functional service areas, where the gas stations, parking lots, recreation areas, cafes and shops are located.

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