Students of Saby region presented IT solutions to entrepreneurs

31 May 2024, Friday

On May 30-31, the secondary school of the Saby municipal region hosted a hackathon for schoolchildren to develop IT solutions for local entrepreneurs. Following the results of the IT training programme at the branch sites of the IT park, the hackathon was held.

During two days, schoolchildren developed mobile applications, which they successfully presented to entrepreneurs:

1. Tourism application for the multifunctional portal of the Saby region saba24.

2. Online store for the sale of equipment for smart home

3. Mobile application for the Gafel store.

The training program in the branches of the IT park is aimed at developing IT entrepreneurship in municipal areas for the purposes of the national project Digital Economy of the Russian Federation. As a result of the implementation of the programme, 195 children were trained in the development of mobile applications in 10 municipal branches. After completing the training phase, hackathons were also held in each municipal region with the involvement of local entrepreneurs.

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