Free audio guide of MTS «Kazan-Bolgar» in the Tatar language available to the guests of Tatarstan

31 May 2024, Friday

MTS, a digital ecosystem, has launched a free car audio guide for the 180-kilometer Kazan-Bolgar route, adapted for the Tatar-speaking audience. The Russian version of the audio tour was released last summer, the Tatar one will also be available to listen online or download in the MTS Live app, which is available to subscribers of any operators. The MTS car audio guide includes a description of about fifty locations in Laishevsky, Alekseevsky, Spassky regions of the republic and sights of the Bolgar Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve. The virtual excursion, about two hours long, included the brightest episodes of the history of the medieval state of the Volga Bulgaria and its capital Bolgar, now a unique open-air museum-reserve - the Bulgar settlement.

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