Schoolchildren can take part in a free hackathon “Use of AI in Education”

31 May 2024, Friday

In June, the Maxitet IT-College of digital professions together with MAXIMUM Education company conducts free hackathon «Application of AI in education» for schoolchildren of 8-11 grades and students of secondary vocational education. MAXIMUM Education is a Russian educational IT company that teaches school disciplines for more than 10 years, has extensive experience in implementing career guidance programs, and is also a leading provider in the federal project “Code of the Future”. Registration for the hackathon «Application of AI in education» is open until June 12, all the main stages of the event are held from 14 to 19 June, and on June 20 the participants are waiting for the protection of the project. It is possible to register for participation, as well as to get acquainted with the programme, tasks, main stages and assessment criteria at the official website at the link.

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