Top 3 myths about cellular communication and smartphones: we analyze together with professor of Kazan National Research Technical University named after A. N. Tupolev - KAI

29 June 2023, Thursday

Is smartphone use dangerous for health? Which device should be given priority in your choice? Debunking myths about the use of cellular communication. With a request to comment on them, we appealed to the expert, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Radio Electronic and Telecommunication Systems of the Kazan National Research Technical University named after Andrey Tupolev Adel Nadeev.

Myth 1. Living near base stations is dangerous.

That is not true. During the construction of the new base station, a project is being developed, a mandatory part of which is the verification of health standards for radiation. The signal from the base station inside the living room is significantly lower than the signal level from mobile phones, Wi-Fi routers, microwaves and other household devices. The impact of mobile communications on the human body have been studied by dozens of health facilities around the world, with findings made by the World Health Organization (WHO). The doctors are unanimous: none of the examinations has proved that mobile networks and phones can be harmful to health.

Myth 2: Smartphones can cause disease, but a feature phone is the safest.

It is a myth. The radiation level of a cell phone depends on the distance to the base station with which it works. Modern smartphones work in all modern standards and use all possible base stations of all standards. An old push-button telephone setwill only be able to connect to an old standard base station, the range to which can be much longer and require more signal strength.

Myth 3. The phone cannot be kept close to the body.

Partially it is true. The phone is a regularly emitting radio signal device. Of course, if possible, it is desirable to reasonably limit direct contact with him. Outside the movement it is better to put it on the desktop, use a headset, do not put under the pillow.

For information

Work on improving the quality of communication in Tatarstan is ongoing. In total, 830 base stations were installed and modified in Tatarstan in 2022, including 370 of them in Kazan. In 2023, the development of mobile networks continues. New urban development zones will receive 350 new base stations. In addition, 750 stations will be upgraded. Priorities for spring and summer 2023 are settlements and territories in which a large tourist flow is expected, movements of residents in the summer season and newly appeared residential complexes.

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