In March, Tatarstan Ministry of Digitalization and the K9 communications agency are holding an e-Sports tournament for the republic's leading enterprises in CS2 and DOTA 2 interested in developing their HR brand.
Where and when?
The CS2 and DOTA 2 games will be held at the Bashir Rameev IT Park in the Cyber Park Arena.
How to apply for participation?
To apply, companies need to:
• form a team of five employees - one team for each CS2 and DOTA 2 discipline;
• pay an entry fee. The cost of participation in both disciplines is 100,000 r0ubles (for both teams at once), the cost of participation in one discipline is 75,000 rubles (one team).
In total, at least eight companies will compete for victory and prize places separately in the CS2 and DOTA 2 disciplines.
You can submit an application and ask clarifying questions by email to the editorial office Enter
Who can participate?
Companies from various fields: IT, industry, agriculture, education, construction, services, communications and others. Applications are also accepted from state and municipal authorities.
How to become a partner?
In addition to participation, companies can become partners of the event. For more details, visit the website:
Do not miss the chance to declare yourself and raise your corporate spirit to a new level.