Regional Clinical Hospital of Tatarstan received the international status of a digital clinic

11 November 2022, Friday

Regional Clinical Hospital of Tatarstan has passed the HIMSS (Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society) international certification, which confirms compliance with the digital clinic standards. In the year of digitalization, Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov decided to pilot upgrade the leading medical institution of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan. Today, HIMSS is the only organization in the world that evaluates the quality of informatization of the medical environment and the efficiency of medical information systems (HIS).

“Due to the support of the President of the republic, the leading clinic of the Ministry of Health of Tatarstan has become the first digital clinic in our structure. This year, the Regional Clinical Hospital has experienced a complete transformation of the processes of providing medical care. This is one of the main projects of Tatarstan Ministry of Digitalization, which we managed to jointly implement this year. I thank every employee of the Hospital, because thanks to you, patients will receive safer and faster medical care,” Tatarstan Minister of Health Marat Sadykov said.

To qualify as a digital clinic, the RCH had to meet the HIMSS level 6 requirements. To date, about 900 clinics in the world have been accredited according to international standards.

“Great attention is always paid to health care in the republic, and in the year of digitalization we wanted to implement a special and large-scale project for this industry, to make sure that our residents and doctors really feel these changes. And I believe that we have succeeded: the RCH doctors have received comfortable workplaces, new information system and infrastructure that will help them to provide quality, fast and error-free medical services, and patients can feel safe, knowing that any doctor or nurse knows everything about them, will prescribe exactly those manipulations and procedures that are shown to them, and the mobile application will allow them to be under the strict supervision of the RCH doctors even after discharge. Last year, we also connected all obstetric stations of Tatarstan to the Internet via fiber-optic communication, and this year we provided doctors with computer equipment,” Tatarstan Minister of Digitalization Ayrat Khayrullin concluded.

The clinic switched to the Russian information system qMS, which allows organizing all medical processes through a single information space: from patient registration to discharge from the hospital.

“Due to the support of Tatarstan President, the Minister of Health of the republic and the regional Minister of Digitalization, the RCH team made a huge leap into the future of digital medicine. The qMS Healthcare Decision Information System helps to avoid errors in the prescription of drug therapy, in the identification, diagnosis and treatment of patients, as well as to reduce the time of obtaining test results and research. Thus, the information system contributes to improving the quality and safety of the organization’s medical activities,” Chief Physician of the RCH Rafael Shavaliyev explained.

The government of Tatarstan allocated 450 million roubles for the digitalization of the Regional Clinical Hospital. 

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