Head of Tatarstan Ministry of Digitalization of Public Administration, Information Technologies and Communications Ayrat Khayrullin visits the Republic’s Centre for Financial Assistance

8 June 2020, Monday

On June 8, Tatarstan Minister of Digitalization of Public Administration, Information Technologies and Communications Ayrat Khayrullin together with Tatarstan Prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin visited the Republic’s Centre for Financial Assistance in the Privolzhsky district of Kazan.

Deputy Prime Minister of Tatarstan Leila Fazleeva, Minister of Labour, Employment and Social Protection of the republic Elmira Zaripova and Head of Rospotrebnadzor in Tatarstan Marina Patyashina also attended the Centre.

The guests were shown a presentation of social support measures for citizens in connection with the spread of coronavirus infection and was told about the work on paying the benefits for children aged 3 to 7 years.

Zaripova said, in particular, that Tatarstan received 8 billion roubles from the federal budget to support families with children during the spread of the Covid-19 coronavirus.

She also noted that more than 22.6 billion roubles are planned to be allocated for social support measures for residents of Tatarstan in 2020. The social benefits system includes 84 support measures, with every third rouble, which makes about 8.9 billion roubles in total, to be paid to families with children.

Tatarstan families can apply for benefits and subsidies both in the remote format - on on the Public Services Portal of Tatarstan and face-to-face by visiting the offices of the Multifunctional Centres of the republic.

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