The database of digital permits to be deleted after the end of self-isolation

7 April 2020, Tuesday

Due to the increasing number of requests from residents of the republic regarding the issue of the security of applying digital permits for leaving the house during the self-isolation regime, we report the following.

All personal data of Tatarstan citizens indicated by them for receiving special codes for leaving the house are reliably protected.

The SMS informing system developed by IT specialists was deployed in the private cloud ABCloud, created by Ak Bars Bank last year and certified according to the requirements of the Federal Law “On Personal Data”.

The availability of a secure cloud infrastructure for working with personal data of Tatarstan residents was a key factor in choosing the option of implementing a digital permit in the republic.

After the end of the general self-isolation regime in the republic, the database with personal data of Tatarstan citizens will be deleted. 

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