From January 30 to February 1, the Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University hosted mobile robot and unmanned aerial vehicle competitions. This is the fifth International Open Scientific and Technical Festival of Robotics "Kalashnikov-Tekhnofest".
The teams from IT Park, which represented Tatarstan as part of the combat robotics team, took first place in the robot battle competition in the category up to 1.5 kg:
The "Destructor" team - 1st place
The "RoboDom - Destructor" team - 3rd place
For the first time the team from IT-park participated in competitions on unmanned aerial vehicles: participant of the team «Robodom - Destructor» - Suleimanov Rail took 5 place out of 71 participants!
The second direction is registration in Tatarstan IT companies, which do not yet have their offices here. We see that Tatarstan is very attractive even for big IT players.