The Regional Anti-Corruption Forum held in Kazan

9 December 2024, Monday

On the International Anti-Corruption Day, Bashir Rameev IT-park hosted the regional Anti-Corruption Forum.

On December 9, 2003, the UN General Assembly established the International Anti-Corruption Day, following the adoption of the relevant Convention.

Today, the whole world celebrates this holiday as a sign that each of the 172 countries that signed the Convention shares common values ​​and strives to eliminate this negative phenomenon from public life. Representatives of organizations whose work was most significantly assessed as anti-corruption practices were awarded at the forum.

The Chairman of the State Council of Tatarstan Farid Mukhametshin, Deputy Minister of Digitalization of the republic Bulat Gabdrakhmanov, as well as speakers from a number of important city and regional organizations and departments, including the MultiFunctional Centre and the media attended the forum.

Bulat Gabdrakhmanov emphasized in his report that the IT industry currently employs more than 3 per cent of the working population - more than 40,000 people. Work is actively carried out with enterprises in the industry that have tax debts. Since the beginning of this year, 33 balance commissions have been held, in which more than 200 organizations in the industry took part. As a result, debts amounting to 30 million rubles were repaid.

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