Residents of Tatarstan invited to participate in the contest «Thanks to the Internet-2024»

3 October 2024, Thursday

On October 24, 2024, the acceptance of works for participation in the 10th All-Russian Competition of Personal Achievements of Pensioners in Studying Computer Literacy "Thank You Internet-2024" is completed.

The contest is held online among pensioners and senior citizens (50+), who have mastered computer literacy and is aimed at improving the quality of life of older citizens, ensuring and supporting self-realization in modern digital society and ensuring the right of access to e-social services.

The competition includes works from 70 regions of Russia. Current information on the number of works by regions can be found on in the section «Competition» - «Statistics of activity of regions». To participate in the contest, it is necessary to write a story on the topic of one of the nominations. The participating author should also select and provide two photos: one is a portrait, the other is a photo of the author working on the computer or with a tablet/smartphone. Works are accepted until October 24, 2024 at the link.

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