Telecom operators in Tatarstan improving the quality of mobile communications

7 May 2024, Tuesday

On May 7, the communication industry celebrates a significant and professional holiday - Radio and Communication Day.

Telecom operators in Tatarstan shared the priorities of the network development for 2024.

Mobile operators working in Tatarstan informed about the priority areas for improving the quality of communication for 2024. The works cover territories of different importance: settlements, tourist places and public spaces, new residential complexes throughout the republic, which corresponds to the implementation of the goals of the federal project «Information Infrastructure» of the national programme «Digital economy».

Today there are five mobile operators in the republic: MTS, MegaFon, VympelCom, Tele2 and TMT (Tattelecom «Letay»). Tatarstan continues to work on the development of the network and strengthening its quality throughout the republic.

There are several projects that were implemented or planned to be implemented during 2024.

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