Innostage experts hold a webinar “Anti-Phishing” for government officials

4 March 2024, Monday

In preparation for the international competition "Games of the Future", Innostage Company organized a webinar on countering phishing technologies from Innostage for employees of executive authorities of Tatarstan. Over 2.5 thousand people took part in the training, organized in connection with the increase in cyber attacks on government employees and the growth of threats related to the penetration into the IT infrastructure of government services.

The Anti-Phishing webinar was held by Innostage experts with many years of practical experience in cybersecurity and conducting information security audits. The audience was informed about the types of phishing attacks, methods of protection for their prevention and practical approaches to be taken to protect data and personal information.

The webinar is aimed at raising awareness of the dangers of phishing emails, developing skills to identify them and providing a plan of measures taken in case one has already been received.

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