Implementation of innovative startup solutions discussed at KazanForum

18 May 2023, Thursday

On May 18, the 14th International Economic Forum "Russia - Islamic World: KazanForum 2023" officially started in Kazan.

The IT park presented a separate start-up zone at the Forum, and also organized a round table on the introduction of innovative start-up solutions in the OIC countries with the participation of foreign guests. The experts discussed the prospects for the development of cooperation between the countries of the Middle East and Russia in the development of science and technology, the introduction of innovative start-up projects within the industrial production of the OIC.

The presentation of the programme «School of Digital Champions 2023» and prospects of development in the OIC countries took place under the round table. School of Digital Champions - Intensive for Technology Projects in the field of end-to-end Digital Technologies, aimed at preparing startups for interaction with organizations of the real sector or venture investor. Representatives of the International Financial Center «Astana» and AstanaHab spoke about their tools for startups. The event ended with the signing of agreements between «IT Park» State Institution and guests of the round table.

The most important result in establishing international relations was the signing of a cooperation agreement between the IT Park and the Fars Province of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Shahid Beheshti University, as well as «Memorandum of Intention» with the technopark of Shiraz University (Iran) and the Innostage Group of Companies. Cooperation is aimed at bilateral export of competencies, technologies and solutions between Russian and Iranian IT companies. The parties plan to ensure more active development of IT technologies in the participating countries on the terms of mutually beneficial cooperation.

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