Ayrat Khayrullin: As many as 70 new state and municipal services are available for residents of the republic on the State Services Portal of Tatarstan

19 July 2021, Monday

On July 19, speaking at a briefing at the Cabinet of Ministers of the republic, Tatarstan Minister of Digitalization Ayrat Khayrullin informed about new state and municipal e-services of Tatarstan and about innovations in this sphere.

One of the priority tasks of Tatarstan Ministry of Digitalization is a full, high-quality and convenient provision of services to residents of the republic.

The decree of Russian President defines five indicators for the implementation of the national goal “Digital transformation”. And the first of them is an increase the share of socially significant services in e-form to 95 per cent.

In other words, by the end of 2022, all socially significant services should be provided in e-form. At the beginning of July, the first phase of work on the transfer of state and municipal services to e-form was completed.

Currently, 70 new e-services are implemented on the State Services Portal of Tatarstan. These are services of 16 ministries and departments and 43 municipalities. Until the end of the current year, Tatarstan Ministry of Digitalization plans to implement another 44 services in e-form.

The full list of services is available on the portal https://uslugi.tatarstan.ru 

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