As many as 4038 of e-applications for marriage registration submitted through the Portal of State Services of Tatarstan in 2020

16 June 2020, Tuesday

During five month of the current year, Tatarstan citizens have submitted over 4038 applications to the Civil Registry Office for marriage registration through the Portal of State Services of Tatarstan.

February was the most “fruitful” time for founding a family: during this month, 1,092 residents of the republic registered applications for marriage. The smallest number of registrations, namely 225, was recorded in May. From year to year, May remains one of the most unpopular months for marriage among Tatarstan citizens.

Since the beginning of 2020, as many as 2,598 applications for state registration of the birth have been registered through the Portal. Moreover, the largest number of registrations was in January - 1,052. Statistics for other months: February - 703; March - 469; April - 67; May - 307.

Everyone can submit an e-application and pay the fee for changing the name on the Portal of State Services of Tatarstan. During five months of the current year, 1,109 Tatarstan citizens used this services (most of the citizens of the republic changed their name in January - 417).

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