Over three million digital permits issued in Tatarstan

14 April 2020, Tuesday

As of April 13, over 900,000 residents of Tatarstan have already registered with the digital permit service.
Meanwhile, the number of issued digital permits exceeded the mark of three million. Currently, 3,094,859 permission codes have been issued for leaving the house.
The most popular request among Tatarstan citizens is still to leave the house for the countryside / returning from the countryside (56,5 per cent). According to the decision of the Tatarstan Operational Headquarters, now residents of the republic can go to a country house twice a week, having received four digital permits for this. Almost one in four residents applies for a digital pass to deliver necessary food and medicine to disabled relatives.
A contact centre on obtaining digital permits continues to operate in the republic. Single hotline number: 8-800-250-90-33.

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