Transition to digit: Training courses for 400 volunteers started in Kazan

13 March 2019, Wednesday

On March 13, at the Kazanskaya Yarmarka Exhibition Centre, the first group of 40 volunteers was trained to help Kazan citizens to connect the equipment for reception of digital television signal. During the two hour lesson, the volunteers were taught all the peculiarities of digital broadcasting.

As many as 400 volunteers will be trained in Kazan - students of higher and vocational educational institutions of Kazan and Victory Volunteers, the activists of the public centres of civil and patriotic education of student youth.

As part of the training, they will learn how to set TVs, DVB-T2 boxes and, if necessary, connect external and indoor antennas. First of all, assistance will be provided to disadvantaged groups of the population, in particular the poor, large families, veterans of the World War II, the disabled, the elderly, the vulnerable citizens. At the end of the training, all volunteers will receive special certificates.

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