Villages of Tatarstan, where 4G internet will be provided in 2022 became known

28 January 2022, Friday

The State Services Portal published a list of 2002 settlements that will be provided with 4G by the end of the year. The list is based on the choice of Russians who took part in the vote. Under the Digital Economy national programme, Russian Ministry of Digital Development will provide 4G communications to about 24,000 underpopulated areas in Russia until 2030. This year, 4G communication networks will appear in 61 settlements of the republic with a population of 100 to 500 people.

The programme of elimination of digital inequality is implemented by Russian Ministry of Digital Development and Rostelecom Telecommunication Company since 2014. In 2021, the 4G (LTE) standard became part of universal communication services to be available throughout Russia, even in sparsely populated areas with between 100 and 500 people. In 2021, the 4G communications was provided to 1,201 settlements.

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