Over 65,000 Tatarstan citizens register in the system of issuing digital permits

2 April 2020, Thursday

On April 1, Tatarstan Ministry of Digitalization of Public Administration, Information Technologies and Communications together with the team of the Digital Transformation Centre and Ak Bars Bank launched an SMS-system for issuing digital permits that allows residents of the republic to leave their homes during self-isolation.

According to the results of the first day of work of the new service, over 65,000 Tatarstan citizens registered in the system. Moreover, more than half of registered users have already used the permits: the exit codes were issued by almost 39,000 people.

To apply for a digital pass to leave your home, it is necessary to send an SMS message with the text “Purpose” indicating one of the nine life situations approved by Tatarstan Government.

The most popular request for obtaining a digital permit from the residents of the republic was a trip to the cottage / return from the cottage.

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