Regional WorldSkills Russia Championship win the team from Kazan and Innopolis

7 February 2020, Friday

On February 7, at Innopolis University, as many as 10 teams in the age category under 21 from Kazan, Innopolis, Nurlat and Chistopol cities took part in the competitions of Cyber ​​Security and Development of Virtual and Augmented Reality competencies. Winners will go to the Russian championship in their competencies.

Participants of Development of virtual and augmented reality competency created two applications with augmented reality for the phone and VR glasses.

The participants fought for earthen territories in the first application and developed a hunting simulator in the second one. It was necessary to develop an interface, game mechanics, create 3D models and set up the sound for each application. The team of Arthur Denislamov with Ruslan Fedorov from Innopolis scored the most points in this competency.

Radmil Gazizov and Kirill Ulyanov from the Kazan College of Information Technologies and Communications were the best in cybersecurity.

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