In accordance with the Procedure for granting subsidies to non-profit organizations for financial support of expenses connected with the organization of activities in the sphere of additional education of children in science and technology, approved by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Tatarstan dated 08.06.2021 №438 (hereinafter - the Order) and the Order of the Ministry of Digitalization of Public Administration, Information Technologies and Communications of Tatarstan p/264 of 07.12.2023 defined the deadlines for submitting applications for a subsidy from the budget of Tatarstan to non-commercial organizations for financial support of expenditures, related to the organization of activities in the sphere of additional education of children in science and technology.
On December 8, in honor of the 24th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty on the Establishment of the Union State of Belarus and Russia, the branch of the Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network in Kazan will turn on thematic lighting.
In connection with the transition to a new departmental telephone system, all tax authorities of Tatarstan changed their contact numbers.
The Federal toll-free telephone number of the unified Contact Center of the Federal Tax Service of Russia 8-800-222-22-22 continues to operate, regardless of the location, of the call is free.
On December 11, a solemn ceremony of launching the antenna-mast communication facility on the M12 Vostok federal highway. Installation and management of the facility is provided by Service-Telecom Group of Companies, an independent infrastructure operator for communications companies. A total of 176 antenna mast structures will be installed, including 29 located on the territory of Tatarstan along M-12.
We invite the media to participate.
Analysts of the online cinema KION found out the movie preferences of Tatarstan residents this autumn.
Russian Startup Week has become a real startup event not only in Kazan and Tatarstan. Top managers of HH, Yandex, VK, representatives of investment funds, private investors, representatives of corporations, partners, as well as experts of Business Incubator, Startup Hub and BLANC Bank gathered and shared their expertise at two IT park venues.
Tatarstan continues the implementation of the all-Russian educational project «Lesson of Digit» from «Yandex».
On December 5, Lyceum 5 of Kazan hosted an open lesson on the topic «Cloud technologies: in search of snow leopard» for students of 6-8 classes.
From November 28 to December 25, the All-Russian Online Olympiad «Safe Internet» will be held, during which students of grades 1-9 will be able to test their digital literacy and develop skills for safe behavior on the Internet. The Olympiad was organized by «National Priorities» non-profit organization with the support of the national project «Digital Economy», Russian Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media and VK and is held on the educational platform of
On December 4, the Kazan IT Park on Peterburgskaya, 52 hosted a seminar-meeting on the topic “Use of artificial intelligence in minimizing corruption risks. Possibility of conducting anti-corruption examination of regulatory legal acts and draft regulatory legal acts using artificial intelligence algorithms.”
MTS, a digital ecosystem, announces the launch of an open beta test of the new user video platform NUUM. You can take part in testing at this address or in the corresponding applications on iOS and Android. The full launch of the product is planned for 2024.